Tammar Truzman, Ph.D.

Tammar Truzman, Ph.D.
Health Professional Field Manager
Tammar is a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Cambridge, Brain Sciences Unit. Under the supervision of Dr. Ajay Halai and Professor Matt Lambon Ralph, her research focuses on predicting linguistic and psycholinguistic abilities in stroke patients using imaging data (CT, MRI, fMRI) and machine learning techniques.
Tammar is a qualified speech and language therapist with extensive experience treating patients with acquired brain injuries. She obtained her B.A. in communication Sciences and Disorders from the University of Haifa, where she continued directly into a PhD program in Communication Sciences and Disorders and Neuropsychology.
Coming from a Haredi background, Tammar is an active volunteer, supporting ex-Haredi students through Hillel and Out for Change organizations.