Post-Doctoral Fellowship – Ancient Human DNA

Website Tel Aviv University אוניברסיטת תל אביב

About the Research Project: Examining Our History Through the Lens of Ancient Sedimentary DNA

Embark on a groundbreaking exploration of our genetic past with our cutting-edge research project! Traditional approaches to ancient human DNA analysis have relied on genetic data derived from skeletal human remains, a limited and often scarce resource. Recognizing the need for a transformative shift, we are now increasingly relying on a more abundant, yet technically challenging, resource: utilizing sediments (dirt) as a rich source material for ancient human DNA.

In this exciting venture, our team is dedicated to advancing analytical approaches to DNA study. Through the development of innovative methods, we examine sediment samples to address and answer crucial evolutionary questions, offering a unique perspective that transcends the limitations of conventional techniques. Join us in reshaping the landscape of genetic research and uncovering the mysteries of our shared history.


  • PhD in Mathematics, Statistics, Computer Sciences, Computational Biology, or a related field
  • Experience with programming (C, Python, R, or another language)
  • Experience with data analysis – required
  • Experience with genetic data or ancient DNA data specifically – advantage
  • Proven academic excellence
  • Good scientific communication skills (publications, presentations)
  • Proficiency in English, with the ability to effectively communicate technical information
  • We are especially interested in candidates with a robust foundation in mathematics who aspire to contribute their expertise to the field of biology

Timeline and Contract:

This post-doctoral position is fully-funded for a minimum of two years, to begin immediately upon selection. The successful candidate will be appointed under the auspices of the respective labs of Professor Muli Safra and Dr. Viviane Slon at Tel Aviv University in Tel Aviv, Israel.

To apply:

Please submit your CV, a letter of motivation, and the contact details for three references to [email protected] and [email protected]

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