Oved Yehezkel

Oved Yehezkel

Executive Board Member

Oved’s career, spanning over three decades, has been marked by significant roles in Israel’s municipal and national governance and extensive research in decision-making, leadership, and global power dynamics. Notably, as Secretary of The Israeli Cabinet, Oved was instrumental in managing complex civilizational processes, military operations, and diplomatic affairs. Post-tenure, Oved focused on positive changes within Israel, overseeing major projects like the strategic merger of Levinsky College and Wingate College, and founding the TARA Group, which specializes in strategic consulting and technological innovation.

Currently, Oved is dedicated to fostering prosperity, success, and progress, leveraging extensive knowledge in decision-making and leadership to drive initiatives for global advancement. With a deep commitment to creating a brighter future, Oved continues to influence change and promote peace through various strategic and innovative endeavours.